Welcome to the site of V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences.
We are pleased to welcome you to our site, which will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the main scientific directions of the Institute, its history and activities of the Scientific Council and scientific laboratories, the ongoing developments and results.
In accordance with the system in our country organizations Research Institute carries out its activities in the framework of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The Academy is the highest scientific institution of the Russian Federation and the leading center for basic research in natural and social sciences.
The main objective of the Russian Academy of Sciences is organizing and conducting basic research aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of nature, society, human rights and contributing to the technological, economic, social and spiritual development of Russia.
At present, the Academy is based on scientific branch and territorial basis, and includes 9 departments (in fields of science), and 3 regional branches, as well as 14 regional scientific centers. The structure consists of numerous institutes of RAS. Our Institute belongs to the Department of Energy, Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes, Academy of Sciences.