Vladimir Solodovnikov, in full Vladimir Victorovich Solodovnikov, was born in Vladivostok. In 1934, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology. He worked first in the Lenin All-Union Institute of Electrical Engineering; from 1946 to 1956, in the Institute of Automation and Remote Control (IARC), the USSR Academy of Sciences (nowadays, the Institute of Control Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences); in subsequent years, in the Central Research Institute of Complex Automation. In 1948, Solodovnikov defended his doctoral dissertation and organized the Department of Automatic Control Systems at Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School.
In 1939—1941, Solodovnikov was the first to conceptualize the quality of automatic control systems (ACSs) under deterministic disturbances and to formulate the corresponding problem. He gave initial provisions of an original frequency-response method for solving this problem.
Since the mid-1940s, Solodovnikov further developed the frequency-response method of quality analysis: it was mathematically justified, and its relationship with the frequency-domain stability analysis method was established; moreover, the method was extended to a wide class of typical disturbances, nonzero initial conditions, and systems with distributed and variable parameters. Solodovnikov’s research works laid the foundation for a new branch of automatic control theory, i.e., the analysis of transients caused by deterministic disturbances.
In 1948—1952, the frequency-response method was fully developed and completed. During that period, Solodovnikov established properties and criteria as well as proposed theorems for assessing the quality and nature of a transient directly from frequency-response characteristics. In addition, he developed the method of trapezoidal frequency-response characteristics for analyzing and constructing transients, compiled the tables of h-functions, and developed a design method for automatic control systems and their correcting devices by given stability margin and control performance requirements.
In the 1950s—1960s, the frequency-response method was generalized to discrete-time control systems.
Solodovnikov wrote the first monograph in world literature devoted to statistical analysis and stochastic optimization of automatic control systems; see Vvedenie v statisticheskuyu dinamiku sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya (Introduction to Statistical Dynamics of Automatic Control Systems), GITTL, 1952. It played a key role in designing high-performance tracking and control systems and training engineers and experts in automatic control.
The frequency-response design method was extended to systems operating under random disturbances and noise. Together with his students—Profs. P.S. Matveev, A.M. Batkov, V.V. Semenov, A.N. Dmitriev, V.F. Biryukov, and others—Solodovnikov contributed to the theory and practice of identification, proposed the design principle and foundations of analytical self-adaptive systems, and developed analysis and design methods for systems with variable parameters (the convolution method and the spectral method).
In 1965, Solodovnikov formulated the concept of complexity and developed a new promising line in the control theory based on the principle of complexity. As a result, he designed correct stochastic optimization algorithms for multidimensional control systems with computer implementation.
As the Scientific Supervisor of the Central Research Institute of Complex Automation, Solodovnikov laid the scientific and technical foundations of complex production automation in the late 1950s. Numerous Solodovnikov’s works in that area significantly affected the further development of the theory and practice of automatic and automated process control systems. The major collective book Osnovy avtomachieskogo upravleniya (Foundations of Automatic Control), published in 1954, influenced the development of control theory in the USSR and the training of control engineering and experts. Solodovnikov formed the book’s content, organized a group of scientists from IARC and other leading research institutions (17 coauthors in total), edited the entire manuscript, and wrote several chapters for it. Due to its volume (1117 pages), the book was called “The Brick” and became very popular among students, postgraduates, engineers, and scientists. Subsequently, the book underlaid a series of engineering monographs entitled Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika. Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya (Engineering Cybernetics. Automatic Control Theory). For that work, Solodovnikov was awarded the USSR State Prize.
For 40 years of R&D activities, Solodovnikov published 205 papers and 23 monographs. Many of them were translated and released in the USA, England, France, Germany, and Poland. In addition to the USSR State Prize, Solodovnikov was awarded the USSR Council of Ministers Prize and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Solodovnikov’s main books are as follows:
- Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya tekhnicheskimi sistemami (Automatic Control Theory for Technical Systems), Moscow: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1993. — 492 p. (coauthors V.N. Plotnikov and A.V. Yakovlev);
- Teoriya slozhnosti i proektirovaniya sistem upravleniya (Theory of Complexity and Design of Control Systems), Moscow: Nauka, 1990. — 168 p. (coauthor V.I. Tumarkin);
- Spektral’nye metody rascheta i proektirovaniya sistem upravleniya (Spectral Methods to Calculate and Design Control Systems), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1986. — 440 p. (coauthors A.N. Dmitriev and N.D. Egupov);
- Osnovy teorii i elementy sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya (Theoretical Foundations and Elements of Automatic Regulation Systems), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1985. — 536 p. (coauthors V.N. Plotnikov and A.V. Yakovlev);
- Raschet sistem upravleniya na TsVM. Spektral’nyi i interpolyatsionnyi metody (Calculation of Control Systems on Digital Computers. Spectral and Interpolation Methods), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1979. — 664 p. (coauthors V.V. Semenov, M. Peshel’, and D. Nedo);
- Printsip slozhnosti v teorii upravleniya (The Principle of Complexity in Control Theory), Moscow: Nauka, 1977. — 344 p. (coauthors V.F. Biryukov and V.I. Tumarkin);
- Spektral’nyi metod rascheta nestatsionarnykh sistem upravleniya letatel’nymi apparatami (The Spectral Method to Calculate Time-Varying Control Systems for Aerial Vehicles), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1975. — 272 p. (coauthor V.V. Semenov);
- Chastotnye metody analiza i sinteza nestatsionarnykh lineinykh sistem (Frequency-Response Methods to Analyze and Design Time-Varying Linear Systems), Moscow: Sovetskoe Radio, 1972. — 168 p. (coauthors Yu.I. Borodin and A.B. Ioannisian);
- Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika za rubezhom (Engineering Cybernetics in Foreign Countries), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1968. — 280 p.;
- Sovremennye metody proektirovaniya sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya (Modern Methods to Design Automatic Control Systems), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1967. — 703 p. (coauthors A.M. Batkov, I.A. Boguslavskii, I.E. Kazakov, I.N. Kovalenko, A.A. Krasovskii, L.T. Kuzin, A.I. Kukhtenko, V.L. Lenskii, A.A. Pavlov, B.N. Petrov, V.V. Petrov, E.P. Popov, G.S. Pospelov, V.V. Semenov, V.I. Tikhonov, Yu.I. Topcheev, Ya.A. Khetagurov, A.S. Shatalov, and B.A. Shchukin);
- Statistical Dynamics of Linear Automatic Control Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1965. — 576 p.;
- Vychislitel’naya tekhnika v primenenii k staticheskim issledovaniyam v avtomatike (Computing Devices with Application to Static Tests of Automatic Means), Moscow: Mashgiz, 1963. — 167 p. (coauthors P.S. Matveev, Yu.S. Val’denberg, and V.M. Baburin);
- Automatic Control & Computer Engineering, vol. 2, Pergamon Press, 1963. — 431 p.;
- Avtomaticheskoe upravlenie (Automatic Control), Moscow: the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961. — 183 p.;
- Automatic Control & Computer Engineering, vol. 1, Pergamon Press, 1961. — 502 p.;
- Statisticheskii analiz ob"ektov regulirovaniya (Statistical Analysis of Regulation Objects), Moscow: Mashgiz, 1960. — 130 p. (coauthor A.S. Uskov);
- Introduction to the Statistical Dynamics of Automatic Control Systems, Dover Publications, 1960. — 308 p.;
- Statisticheskaya dinamika lineinykh sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya (Statistical Dynamics of Linear Automatic Control Systems), Moscow: Fizmatgiz, 1960. — 655 p.;
- Osnovy avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya. Tom 2. Chast’ 2 (Foundations of Automatic Regulation. Vol. 2. Part 2), Moscow: Mashgiz, 1959. — 723 p.;
- Osnovy avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya. Tom 2. Chast’ 1 (Foundations of Automatic Regulation. Vol. 2. Part 1), Moscow: Mashgiz, 1959. — 454 p.;
- Vvedenie v statisticheskuyu dinamiku sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya (Introduction to Statistical Dynamics of Automatic Control Systems), Moscow: Gostekhizdat, 1952. — 308 p.
Many books are presented in the Institute’s database:
Some journal papers by Solodovnikov are available at Math-Net.Ru:
The list of his papers in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika can be found at:
For their English versions, see the microfilm collection of Automation and Remote Control (1956—1994):
Also, Solodovnikov’s publications (including inventions) can be found at:
In addition, see the Wikipedia page devoted to Solodovnikov:
Scopus Author ID: 7004050162