Nowadays nonlinear industrial plants are controlled by linear P, PI and PID-controllers with constant parameters. This results in both transients quality and energy efficiency decrease. An adaptive neural tuner to adjust P and PI controllers parameters has been proposed to solve these problems and tested both for heating furnaces and DC drives. But it is not able to adjust a D-part of the controller, which is widely used for the heating furnaces. So the aim of this research is to extend the functionality of the tuner with a new software module to adjust KD parameter online. In order to achieve this, a new structure of the neural network for the tuner is chosen, its rule base is enhanced with the developed rules for KD, and the sustainability criterion for the system with the tuner and the PID-controller is developed. The new version of the tuner is applied to control a heating furnace to keep the required transients quality under the condition of the furnace parameters non-stationarity. Comparing to the PID-controller, it allows to reduce transients time averagely by 11.6% and the furnace energy consumption by 8.4%.