We consider differential-geometric structures associated with
Monge–Amp`ere equations on manifolds and use them to study the con-
tact linearization of such equations. We also consider the category of
Monge–Amp`ere equations (the morphisms are contact diffeomorphisms)
and a number of subcategories. We are chiefly interested in subcategories
of Monge–Amp`ere equations whose objects are locally contact equivalent
to equations linear in the second derivatives (semilinear equations), linear
in derivatives, almost linear, linear in the second derivatives and inde-
pendent of the first derivatives, linear, linear and independent of the first
derivatives, equations with constant coefficients or evolution equations. We
construct a number of functors from the category of Monge–Amp`ere equa-
tions and from some of its subcategories to the category of tensor objects
(that is, multi-valued sections of tensor bundles). In particular, we con-
struct a pseudo-Riemannian metric for every generic Monge–Amp`ere equa-
tion. These functors enable us to establish effectively verifiable criteria for
a Monge–Amp`ere equation to belong to the subcategories listed above.