Georgy Ulanov, in full Georgy Mikhailovich Ulanov, was born on June 30, 1917, in Moscow. In 1941, after graduating from Bauman Moscow State Technical School, he began his career in Mikulin’s Design Bureau. In 1944, Ulanov started his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Automation and Remote Control, the USSR Academy of Sciences (nowadays, Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences), and worked there until his last days.
Initially, Ulanov’s investigations considered the problems of disturbance accumulation and the dynamics of nonlinear systems using the phase plane method and point transformations. He significantly contributed to invariance theory as well as proposed many original ideas and carried out fundamental research on combined automatic control systems. In recent years, Ulanov developed the information approach in control theory.
As an associate of Academician B.N. Petrov, Ulanov initiated and led important R&D projects on new objects of space and rocket technology.
His monographs and papers played an appreciable role in the formation and development of the domestic control theory. For a long time, Ulanov taught at Bauman Moscow State Technical University and read leading courses on automation.
In addition to his extensive scientific work, Ulanov devoted much time to organizational activities. He actively participated in the work of the International Astronautic Federation and organized scientific events: international symposiums on control in outer space (under the auspices of the International Federation of Automatic Control) and all-Union meetings on control problems and invariance theory. Ulanov worked in several commissions: the USSR Higher Attestation Commission and the Commissions for Lenin and State Prizes in Science and Technology and the USSR Council of Ministers Prizes. For many years, he was a member of the editorial board of Automation and Remote Control.
Ulanov’s main monographs are as follows:
- Problemy upravleniya relyativistskimi i kvantovymi dinamicheskimi sistemami (Control Problems for Relativistic and Quantum Dynamical Systems), Moscow: Nauka, 1982. — 523 p. (coauthors B.N. Petrov, I.I. Goldenblat, and S.V. Ul’yanov);
- Teoriya modelei v protsessakh upravleniya (Theory of Models in Control Processes), Moscow: Nauka, 1978. — 223 p. (coauthors B.N. Petrov, I.I. Goldenblat, and S.V. Ul’yanov);
- Informatsionno-semanticheskie problemy v protsessakh upravleniya i organizatsii (Informational and Semantic Problems in Control and Organization Processes), Moscow: Nauka, 1977. — 450 p. (coauthors B.N. Petrov, S.V. Ul’yanov, and E.M. Khazen);
- Printsipy postroeniya avtomatizirovannykh sistem upravleniya promyshlennymi predpriyatiyami s nepreryvnym kharakterom proizvodstva (Principles of Building Automated Industrial Control Systems for Enterprises with Continuous Production), Moscow: Energiya, 1975. — 440 p. (coauthors D.A. Abdullaev and R.A. Aliev);
- Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika (Engineering Cybernetics), Moscow: VINITI, 1975. — 395 p. (coauthors B.N. Petrov, V.V. Petrov, V.M. Ageev, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.S. Uskov, I.N. Polyakov, S.V. Ul’yanov, and E.M. Khazen);
- Osnovy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya yadernymi kosmicheskimi energeticheskimi ustanovkami (Foundations of Automatic Control of Nuclear Space Power Plants), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1974. — 380 p. (coauthors V.V. Bugrovskii, N.A. Vintsevich, I.M. Vishnepol’skii, A.N. Dushin, V.A. Karmishin, T.S. Mart’yanova, B.E. Chuprun, and A.A. Shevyakov);
- Dinamika i upravlenie yadernym raketnym dvigatelem (Dynamics and Control of a Nuclear Rocket Engine), Moscow: Atomizdat, 1974. — 256 p. (coauthors V.V. Bugrovskii, V.P. Zhukov, S.S. Preobrazhenskii, E.M. Solnechnyi, and B.E. Chuprun);
- Dinamicheskaya tochnost’ i kompensatsiya vozmushchenii v sistemakh avtomaticheskogo upravleniya (Dynamic Accuracy and Disturbance Compensation in Automatic Control Systems), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1970. — 260 p.;
- Statisticheskie i informatsionnye voprosy upravleniya po vozmushcheniyu (Statistical and Information Issues of Disturbance-Based Control), Moscow: Energiya, 1970. — 255 p.
- Regulirovanie po vozmushcheniyu (Disturbance-Based Regulation), Moscow: Gosenergoizdat, 1960. — 110 p.
They are presented in the Institute’s database:Уланов
Some journal papers by Ulanov are available at Math-Net.Ru:
1986 | |
1. | R. A. Aliev, G. M. Ulanov, A. E. Tserkovnyi, Decision-making in Intelligent Robots, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 290:5 (1986), 1048—1052. |
1984 | |
2. | M. M. Senyavin, G. M. Ulanov, Solution of the Deviation Accumulation Problem with Terminal Phase Constraints, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1984, 7, 36—44 ; Autom. Remote Control, 45:7 (1984), 848—855. |
3. | G. M. Ulanov, M. M. Senyavin, Solution of the Deviation Accumulation Problem with Constraints on the Derivatives of the Control Action, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 276:1 (1984), 66—70. |
1983 | |
4. | M. M. Senyavin, G. M. Ulanov, Accumulation of Deflections with a Terminal Phase Constraint, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1983, 8, 55—63 ; Autom. Remote Control, 44:8 (1983), 1011—1017. |
5. | G. M. Ulanov, M. M. Senyavin, Optimization Theory and the Problem of Accumulation of Deviations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 269:4 (1983), 818—821. |
1980 | |
6. | G. M. Ulanov, The Method of Isochronous Pointwise Transformations in Theory of Variable Structure Systems. II, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1980, 3, 46—50 ; Autom. Remote Control, 41:3 (1980), 325—328. |
7. | G. M. Ulanov, The Method of Isochronous Pointwise Transformations in Theory of Variable Structure Systems. I, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1980, 2, 45—55 ; Autom. Remote Control, 41:2 (1980), 172—181. |
1973 | |
8. | G. M. Ulanov, S. V. Ul’yanov, E. M. Khazen, Information Estimates for Risk in Problems of Processing Large Files of Information, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 210:2 (1973), 291—293. |
1972 | |
9. | G. M. Ulanov, I. Ya. Krichevskiy, Generalization of the Theory of Accumulation of Deviations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 202:1 (1972), 56—58. |
1971 | |
10. | V. V. Pavlov, G. M. Ulanov, Invariance and Differential Games, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 199:4 (1971), 783—784. |
1963 | |
11. | I. D. Kochubievskiy, G. M. Ulanov, Information Theoretical Conditions for Invariance of Linear Control Systems, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 148:6 (1963), 1268—1270. |
1962 | |
12. | G. M. Ulanov, Optimization of Control Systems and the Theory of K(D)-transforms, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 144:6 (1962), 1249—1250. |
1957 | |
13. | G. M. Ulanov, On a Generalization of the Deflection Accumulation Theory and Its Use for Determining Autooscillations in Generators, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 113:1 (1957), 54—57. |
14. | V. V. Petrov, G. M. Ulanov, The Similarity of Sliding, Vibrational and Optimal Conditions of Motion in Servomechanisms, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 112:3 (1957), 394—397. |
15. | G. M. Ulanov, Invariance up to ε in Linear Combined Automatically Controlled Systems, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 112:2 (1957), 253—256. |
The list of his papers in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika can be found at:
For their English versions, see the microfilm collection of Automation and Remote Control:
Some inventions by Ulanov are available at:
Articles about G.M. Ulanov
In Memory of G.M. Ulanov (obituary), Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1987, no. 6, 171—172. |
Scopus Author ID: 6602660434