Oleg Aven, in full Oleg Ivanovich Aven, joined the Institute of Automation and Remote Control, the USSR Academy of Sciences (nowadays, Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences) in 1950. Starting as a junior researcher, he became the Academic Secretary of the Institute 10 years later. In 1968, Aven established the Laboratory of Automated Control Systems and headed it until the last days of his life. During that period, he was also the Academic Secretary of the USSR National Committee for Automatic Control and the Executive Secretary of the Committee for System Analysis at the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
In 1965, Aven was among the pioneers in the USSR to start working on the theory and practice of automated organizational management systems and the scientific foundations of automated control systems. The R&D results of his laboratory underlaid complex automated control systems for different sectors of the economy, namely, Metal, Inturist, Morflot, and others.
Simultaneously, Aven and his students obtained significant results on the analysis and optimization of the performance of computing systems.
In 1971, Aven was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1984, he received the USSR State Prize. The same year, Aven was elected Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
His main books are as follows:
- Stochastic Analysis of Computer Storage, Dordrecht—Boston—Lancaster—Tokyo: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1987. — 262 p. (coauthors E.G. Coffman and Y.A. Kogan);
- Optimizatsiya transportnykh potokov (Optimization of Transportation Flows), Moscow: Nauka, 1985. — 165 p. (coauthors S.E. Lovetsky and G.E. Moiseenko);
- Otsenka kachestva i optimizatsiya vychislitel’nykh sistem (Quality Assessment and Optimization of Computing Systems), Moscow: Nauka, 1982. — 464 p. (coauthors N.N. Gurin and Ya.A. Kogan);
- Chto takoe ASU? (What is an Automated Control System?), Moscow: Nauka, 1981. — 176 p.
- Upravlenie vychislitel’nym protsessom v EVM (algoritmy i modeli) (Computational Process Management in Electronic Computers: Algorithms and Models), Moscow: Energiya, 1978. — 240 p. (coauthor Ya.A. Kogan);
- Beskontaktnye ispolnitel’nye ustroistva promyshlennoi avtomatiki (Non-contact Actuators for Industrial Automation), Moscow: Gosenergoizdat, 1960. — 345 p. (coauthor S.M. Domanitsky).
Many of his books can be found in the Institute’s database:
Some journal papers by Aven are available at Math-Net.Ru:
The list of his papers in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika can be found at:
For their English versions, see the microfilm collection of Automation and Remote Control:
Some inventions by Aven are available at:
Also, see the Wikipedia page devoted to Aven:
Scopus Author ID: 6602937857: