Laboratory No. 19


Laboratory of Multiconnected Control Systems.

Head of Laboratory A.V. Ahmetzyanov

Theoretical tasks:

  • Research of multiply connected high dimensionality control systems with various structures: linear, quasi-linear, non-linear, stationary, non-stationary, homogeneous and heterogeneous.
  • Development of modeling, identification and optimization control process in multiply connected high dimensionality control systems, in which physical process describable with systems of linear, nonlinear and quasi-linear equation of mathematical physics (hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic types).
  • Applied problems:
  • Development of modeling, identification and optimization for hydrocarbon (gas, gas condensate, gas-oil, oil, oil-gas and others) field development control.
  • Level control and filtering control of groundwater for prevention anthropogenic and ecological catastrophe, which can be by reason of underflooding and superficial or ground water pollution sources.