The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) and the University Politehnica of Bucharest kindly invite you to attend the 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM'12.
INCOM is worldwide recognized as one of the leading conferences promoting research in the fields of Industrial Engineering, Automatic Control, Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology applied to Manufacturing Systems. The INCOM symposia attract a large number of outstanding scientists worldwide, offering a forum to discuss and promote the most recent scientific results and implementing solutions through interdisciplinary knowledge transfer.
The theme of this 14th INCOM edition is "Advanced Control for Smarter Manufacturing", bringing into discussion the state-of-the-art and progress for sustainable manufacturing. From bio-inspiration to virtual enterprise management, new theories will be presented which improve manufacturing engineering practices.
The detailed list on conference topics, also available on the conference website, is:
Web Services and Wireless Automation for Manufacturing
Supply Chains and Logistics
Facilities Planning and Materials Flow Handling
Resource Allocation, Production Planning and Scheduling
Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance of Manufacturing Systems
Process Modelling and Information System Design
Service Oriented Architectures in Manufacturing
Socio-technical and Cognitive Aspects of Automation
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Modelling and Applications
Distributed and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing
Discrete Event Systems in Manufacturing
Bio-Inspired and Holonic Manufacturing
Dynamic and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Manufacturing
Operational Research Applications in CAD/CAM/CAE
The INCOM 2012 symposium program includes:
Technical sessions
Papers in thematic sessions on above conference topics
Papers in specials sessions / special tracks (to be proposed)
Papers in poster sessions
Keynote presentations in plenary sessions
Scientific and industrial exhibitions
May 2, 2011: Submission site opening
October 24, 2011: Deadline for submission of full-length draft papers
January 10, 2012: Notification of paper acceptance/rejection
February 24, 2012: Final paper submission and early registration
The Symposium language is English.
The conference will take place in the Hilton Conference Centre of Bucharest, the capital of Romania - a modern European town and also a city with old traditions, having ancient buildings with beautiful architectural monuments. Because of 100-year old "Arc de Triomphe", its large boulevards and beautiful gardens, parks and museums on the border of the northern lakes chain, Bucharest is also called "the small Paris".
General Scientific Chair: Lazslo Monostori (HU)
International Program Committee:
IPC Chair: Alexandre Dolgui (FR)
IPC Vice-Chairs: Ioan Dumitrache (RO), Carlos Eduardo Pereira (BR)
IPC Vice-Chair from Industry: Pavel Vrba (CZ)
National Organizing Committee:
NOC Chair: Theodor Borangiu (RO)
NOC Vice-Chair from Industry: Iuliu Stocklosa (RO)
Please visit the Symposium's web page at
Raluca Tudorie, Silvia Anton
INCOM 2012 Secretariat
University Politehnica of Bucharest
313, Spl. Independentei, Sector 6, RO-060042 Bucharest, Romania
Tel.: +40 21 4029314, Fax: +40 21 3170912