


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


The importance of the level of education as a social characteristic of the patient in the formation of his attitude to the organization of medical care provided in outpatient settings





Наименование источника: 

  • Vestnik Rossijskoj Voenno-Medicinskoj Akademii

Обозначение и номер тома: 

V.25 №2


  • Санкт-Петербург


  • ООО "Эко-Вектор"

Год издания: 



The purpose of the study: to scientifically substantiate the importance of the level of education as a social characteristic of the patient in the formation of his attitude to the organization of medical care provided in outpatient settings. Mate-rials and methods. The primary data were obtained by interviewing 502 patients of medical organizations providing outpatient medical care working in Moscow. The main group included 185 patients who had secondary or specialized second-ary education. The control group included 273 patients who had incomplete higher, higher or several higher educations. The comparison of the groups was carried out according to a standard scheme using a nonparametric criterion ꭕ2. Results. The data obtained give reason to talk about different approaches to the assessment of the medical care management system in patients with different lev-els of education. The relationship between the frequency of appeals and the mag-nitude of the assessment was observed in the form of multidirectional trends: pa-tients with a low level of education, with more frequent visits to medical organi-zations, assessed the activities of administrative structures more critically, and patients with a high level of education, on the contrary, with more frequent visits to medical organizations, rated the activities of administrative structures more highly. There is a higher frequency of complaints from patients with a higher lev-el of education regarding the organization of the activities of individual depart-ments of the polyclinic. Most often, such claims were made regarding the organi-zation of the work of the laboratory service, narrow specialists and the manage-ment of the polyclinic.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Мартиросов А.В., Черкасов С.Н., Федяева А.В., Карайланов М.Г., Арутюнян Г.Б. The importance of the level of education as a social characteristic of the patient in the formation of his attitude to the organization of medical care provided in outpatient settings // Vestnik Rossijskoj Voenno-Medicinskoj Akademii. 2023. V.25 №2. С. 211-218.