Modern visualization methods are used to convey information about
an object or process and as a tool for search and decision-making process. Data
and signals, in AQ1 analog and digital form, are only valuable if they are analyzed for
a specific goal. In this work we etablish the classification of visualization tasks
from the point of analyzing heterogeneous multidimensional data, including the
AQ2 case when at the initial stage it is required to formulate a research hypothesis.
A classification of visualization metaphors is presented, which is necessary for
a conscious choice of tools for visualization and data analysis. This is important
for understanding and managing the interpretability of information, the formation
of the correct meaning and operational understanding. We demonstrate examples
of static and dynamic models of visualization. Based on the semantic model and
proposed classification, the principles of visual metaphors formation for solving
several applied tasks in various fields of knowledge (oil and gas production,
biomedicine, materials science, education, management, etc.) are formulated.