On the example of a control system for an unmanned aerial vehicle, we consider the
problems of filtering, smoothing and restoring derivatives of reference action signals. These signals
determine the desired spatial path of the plant at the first approximation. As a rule, researchers have
considered these problems separately and have used different methods to solve each of them. The
paper aims to develop a unified approach that provides a comprehensive solution to mentioned problems.
We propose a dynamic admissible path generator. It is constructed as a copy of the canonical
control plant model with smooth and bounded sigmoid corrective actions. For the deterministic case,
a synthesis procedure has been developed, which ensures that the output variables of the generator
track a non-smooth reference signal. Moreover, it considers the constraints on the velocity and
acceleration of the plant. As a result, the generator variables produce a naturally smoothed spatial
curve and its derivatives, which are realizable reference actions for the plant. The construction of the
generator does not require exact knowledge of the plant parameters. Its dynamic order is less than
that of the standard differentiators. We confirm the effectiveness of the approach by the results of
numerical simulation.