


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


About Some Risks Associated with Subjective Factors, and the Methodology for their Assessment



Наименование источника: 

  • Review of Business and Economics Studies

Обозначение и номер тома: 

№ 3


  • Москва


  • Финансовый университет

Год издания: 



The authors propose a methodology for assessing the risk associated with subjective factors that may affect the achievement of the final goals of business projects, including ensuring information security. Such factors may include: the level of salary, the level of professionalism, and others. At the same time, the risk assessment is proposed to be carried out using the fuzzy logic method, which allows us to determine the dependence of the risk on various parameters under conditions of their uncertainty. According to the authors, the proposed methodology will help to avoid some incorrect management decisions in the formation of author (working) teams, which could lead to negative consequences in the further implementation of the business project. These negative consequences can be expressed in delaying the implementation period, increasing the cost of the project itself, or even losing business due to the leakage of critical information and personnel. Also, this method allows you to increase the effectiveness of personnel policy in the organization or the company. It should be noted that this method is applicable not only for individual enterprises, but also for corporations and associations with complex network structures.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Козлов А.Д., Нога Н.Л. About Some Risks Associated with Subjective Factors, and the Methodology for their Assessment // Review of Business and Economics Studies. 2021. № 3. С. 94-102.