


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 



The potential of learning programming



Наименование конференции: 

  • 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Modern Management Trends and the Digital Economy - from Regional Development to Global Economic Growth (MTDE-2020, Ekaterinburg)

Наименование источника: 

  • Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Modern Management Trends and the Digital Economy - from Regional Development to Global Economic Growth (MTDE-2020, Ekaterinburg)

Обозначение и номер тома: 

Vol. 138


  • Yekaterinburg


  • Atlantis Press

Год издания: 



Today the need to understand the mechanism of transferring and acquiring knowledge in education is still relevant. This article discusses the possibility of activating various interests among IT students on the basis of creating a special artificial environment for teacher-student interaction. Thus, some limit properties of knowledge transfer and acquisition have been studied, namely, minimizing the term base, maximizing the certainty, context specificity and repeatability of a term. The research methodology included a three-stage semester survey, as well as a final survey of students. The conclusions drawn are about the clear opportunity of transferring knowledge to those IT students who either have already developed some skills and have a corresponding cognitive interest in the subject, or when it is possible to ignite interest by creating special artificial environments. This is achieved by reducing the number of important terms, as well as through their well-informed and practical use. It was also found out that there is a direct dependence of the training quality on the degree of personal interaction between the teacher and student.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Разумовский А.И. The potential of learning programming / Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Modern Management Trends and the Digital Economy - from Regional Development to Global Economic Growth (MTDE-2020, Ekaterinburg). Yekaterinburg: Atlantis Press, 2020. Vol. 138. С. 439-442.