Mobile (cellular) networks represent a fast evolving research field
that take advantages of recent technological advances such as Big Data and
distributed computing to provide extensive network monitoring for network
operation planning and management purposes. Challenges related to making use
of the large volume of streaming data generated by mobile networks include
extracting relevant elements within massive amounts of signals possibly spread
across different sources (data bases), reducing dimensionality, summarizing
dynamic information in a comprehensible way and displaying it for
interpretation purposes. The adequate network modeling provides both
statistical data of network performance and important networking QoS related
insights. Comprehensible mobile network information is needed that uncovers
the role of each attribute and variable. To harness the complexity of mobile
network data and to extract relevant information a dedicated distributed
computing platforms and Big Data frameworks are needed, able to discover and
deal with the inherent properties and complexities of these datasets. Smart
network monitoring service plays a central role here.