Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that between 16-20 May 2022 the 9th edition of the International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC2022) will take place at Baile Felix & Agora University of Oradea:
This edition is dedicated in memory of Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil. Dziţac Ioan – founder of the International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC).
On this occasion, the Dziţac Family (wife Simona & daughter Domnica) will award the Ioan Dziţac Prize worth 500 EUR for the most appreciated scientific paper presented at ICCCC 2022 by a promising young researcher.
All accepted papers and presented at ICCCC2022 will be published in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC) 2022, Editors: S. Dzitac, D. Dzitac, F.G. Filip, J. Kacprzyk, M.J. Manolescu, H. Oros).
The editorial team of the International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (IJCCC) will award prizes (vouchers) consisting in the free publication in IJCCC of the most valuable 10% papers accepted / presented at ICCCC2022.
Topics - ICCCC2022:
1. Integrated Solutions in Computer-Based Control;
2. Advanced Control Systems Integrating Computers and Communications;
3. Soft Computing including Fuzzy System Approach;
4. Decision Making and Support Systems.
Deadlines - ICCCC2022:
-Abstract or Full Paper Draft Submission: December 19, 2021;
-Full Paper Submission : January 15, 2022;
-Notification of Acceptance/Rejection of Papers: February 14, 2022.
-Final Submission of Accepted Papers: March 15, 2022.
-Conference Fees Transfer: February 14 - March 15, 2022.
Submission via EasyChair:
First Call for Papers:
We shall be looking forward to your paper contributions and participation. We hope that attending the conference will provide an opportunity to meet academic and industry experts to exchange ideas about the latest technologies. We are sure that your stay in Felix and Oradea city will be very pleasant.
General Chair: Assoc. Prof. Simona DZITAC
Tel. +40744936447, Fax +40359101032
Program Committee Chair: Acad. Florin Gheorghe Filip
- Baile Felix & Agora University of Oradea