


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


Formation of the digital platform for precision farming with mathematical modeling

Электронная публикация: 




Наименование источника: 

  • Supplementary Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2020)

Обозначение и номер тома: 



  • Воронеж


  • CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Год издания: 



121-133, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2790/paper12.pdf
The paper addresses the issue of development trends of precision farming technologies (PFT) in the world. PFT's rapid development's main motive is the improvement of geoinformation technologies, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge digital technologies. It is shown that these technologies are currently evolving from the digitalization of individual operations to the digitalization of an interconnected set of operations in crop production and related industries. The approach makes PFT available for small and large farms. The paper analyzes the problems of PFT implementation such as following: the lack of a clear strategy in this area, weakening of scientific researches, the dominance of the “task-based” approach of the development and implementation of digitalization systems, significant underutilization of traditional factors of increasing production efficiency in the industry, limited financial, labor, material and technical resources, poverty of most households. The paper discusses the scientific basis for designing an optimal digital platform for precision farming based on mathematical and ontological modeling. An analysis is made of the constituent modules of a promising digital platform of precision farming integrated into unified geographic information space. To demonstrate the possibility of forming a cloud service of the value chain, the concept of the single cloud Internet space for digital interaction of the logistic activities of agricultural production, processing, and marketing of its products is presented

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Меденников В.И., Райков А.Н. Formation of the digital platform for precision farming with mathematical modeling / Supplementary Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2020). Воронеж: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020. Vol-2790. С. 121-133, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2790/paper12.pdf.