


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


Increasing the Effectiveness of the University based on Economic Modeling





Наименование источника: 

  • Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz

Обозначение и номер тома: 

№ 4


  • Екатеринбург


  • УрФУ

Год издания: 



The article is the research paper, with case elements and illustration of specific calculations based on the developed model using the data of a pilot university. Its goal is to form a model for decision support system for the effective use of the institution's property, to investigate the model for specific university’s data and to propose recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the university as a whole. The problem of analyzing the budget sufficiency for maintaining the university's assets and ensuring its current activities is examined in the paper, as well as the opportunity of increasing the efficiency of the use of property. The model is proposed for decision support system for the property of the institution. This model is formed from several submodels: «educational activity», «scientific activity», «living activity», «expenses», «development of the property», and «budget». The model can be used for simulation «what if» analysis of different scenarios of the external and internal parameters (in particular, to estimate the achievement the strategic goals of the university) and forecasting the results of activities. The methodological basis of the research was general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis, modeling and classification, as well as methods of decision theory. Simulation calculations allow us to identify the most significant factors in the impact on the financial result of the university. In particular, for the scenario of high degree of occupancy of premises, the growth in the number of students (which is control indicators of admission) requires the construction of new buildings under current operating conditions and is possible only with the support of the state. For the scenario of increasing the efficiency of the use of property makes it possible to achieve the growth of the target indicators of the university without additional investments from the state. For the scenario of a decrease in the contingent of students, the model allows the estimation of the necessary amount of optimization of the specific economic parameters for the formation of a no-deficit budget. The complex links the educational and scientific activities of the university, the formation of a timetable for students and the occupancy of audiences, the content of rooms and hostels, as well as the budget of the university is new in the development of the model. It is expected that this approach is applicable for different institutions of higher education. The application of the model for the conditions of specific universities will allow their management to set the parameters for the development of the university for the goal-targeted approach for the development. In the future, researchers can develop the model under detailed empirical data, taking into account the variety of internal and external factors. The results of this study are in the area of vice-rectors in economics, as well as university administrators who responsible for strategy development under a limited budget taking into account risks.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Дранко О.И., Анохова Е.В. Increasing the Effectiveness of the University based on Economic Modeling // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. 2018. № 4. С. 9-22.