In this paper we classify the symbols of the linear differential operators of order k, which
act from the module C∞(ξ) to the module C∞(ξt), where ξ : E(ξ) → M is vector bundle over
the smooth manifold M, bundle ξt is either ξ∗ with fiber E∗ := Hom(E,C) or ξ with fiber E :=
Hom(E,ΛnT ∗) and C∞(ξ), C∞(ξt) are the modules of their smooth sections. To find invariants of
the symbols we associate with every non-degenerated symbol the tuple of linear operators acting on
space E and reduce our problem to the classification of such tuples with respect to some orthogonal
transformations. Using the results of C. Procesi, we find generators for the field of rational invariants
of the symbols and in terms of these invariants provide a criterion of equivalence of non-degenerated