The article presents the results of food security assessment; the decisive role in its provision is assigned to agricultural production. The analysis of the staple food supply to the population necessitated the buildup of domestic agricultural
production. Despite the implementation of the state policy of import substitution, under the current conditions of agricultural enterprises operation, there is a risk of a further decrease in the food security of Russia. Strategic priority areas and tools for achieving food security are highlighted. It has been clarified that the creation of integration structures is one of the components of the mechanism of the food security at the macro, meso, and micro levels. The optimal parameters of integration agroindustrial structures have been determined for various investment scenarios. The study has found that
the integration processes in agricultural production, on-farm industrial processing of milk and meat contribute to a higher value of net present value. The level of riskiness of creating an agro-industrial formation with a full production cycle based on simulation modeling has been justified.