Автор(ы): Лычагин В. В. (ИПУ РАН, Лаборатория 06)Автор(ов): 1 Параметры публикацииТип публикации: Статья в журнале/сборникеНазвание: On equivalence of the second order linear differential operators, acting in vector bundlesISBN/ISSN: 0393-0440DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2020.103749Наименование источника: Journal of Geometry and PhysicsОбозначение и номер тома: Т. 155Город: Амстердам, НидерландыИздательство: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, IncГод издания: 2020Страницы: 103749 (1-6) АннотацияThe equivalence problem for linear differential operators of the second order, acting in vector bundles, is discussed. The field of rational invariants of symbols is described and connections, naturally associated with differential operators, are found. These geometrical structures are used to solve the problems of local as well as global equivalence of differential operators. Библиографическая ссылка: Лычагин В.В. On equivalence of the second order linear differential operators, acting in vector bundles // Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2020. Т. 155. С. 103749 (1-6).