


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


Areas of harmonization of goal-setting in state programs of the Russian Federation on the example of the state program "Healthcare Development"



Наименование источника: 

  • International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Обозначение и номер тома: 

Vol. 29, No. 5s


  • Sandy Bay


  • School of Computer Science, Colorado Technical University

Год издания: 



The article is devoted to the implementation and evaluation of state programs in Russia in the period from 2011 to 2017 as well as goal-setting of state programs up to 2024. Descriptive characteristics of programs and results of empirical analysis are presented. The interrelation between the level of implementation of state programs and the efficiency of certain activities is revealed. There is also a correlation between the socio- economic development and the achievement of program targets. The main problem is the development of target programs, which is based on the ease of achieving them. As a result, the indicators are not aimed at the result, but at the process itself. There is also a suggestion to use the performance indicator of programs as an indicator of the efficiency of the Federal Executive Authorities of Russia, as well as their managers, including the adoption of organizational and personnel decisions by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. It is recommended to supplement the methodology with the assessment of regulatory impact at the stage of development of state programs and impact assessment after their completion; to introduce target indicators of programs and control measures, prohibit their change during the period of program implementation; to develop an assessment of sensitivity of regulatory areas to program mechanisms on the basis of consistency in the implementation of target indicators and indicators of development of the relevant areas; to consider changes in financial support of programs, taking into account the achieved goals. All this will make it possible to direct program implementers to significant results, as well as to evaluate their activities step by step, according to the conducted methodology.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Швец Ю.Ю., Маштакова А.С., Наумов С.Н. Areas of harmonization of goal-setting in state programs of the Russian Federation on the example of the state program "Healthcare Development" // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. 2020. Vol. 29, No. 5s. С. 1353-1360.