The significant number of failures in modern software and hardware communication systems of large integrated systems are associated with thermal conditions changes. The effective method of control and diagnosis software and hardware communication systems is thermal control of electronic modules elements. The system of control should allow detect hidden defects in software and hardware communication systems, substitute nature modeling defects to program simulation for decrease time of creating state base. The subject of investigation is control of technical condition software and hardware communication systems in working state real time. The purpose of investigation is increasing efficiency of technical control in working state. For development of thermal control instruments are used methods: to modelling thermal processes in electronic modules of software and hardware communication system is used finite difference method, to processing thermogram is used wavelet-analysis. For experimental verification obtained results is choosed electronic module of modern hardware and software systems, for which created state base by developed model and compared results of recognition technical condition with developed methodic and without. As a result of investigation were developed thermal model of hardware and soft-ware communication systems, the methodic of recognition abnormal states electronic modules based on wavelet-transforms and the algorithm creating state base soft-ware and hardware communication systems. Based on the obtained results is develop technical proposals that will improve efficiency of determining the technical condition and realize the possibility of preventing failures.