Автор(ы): Семенов В. С. (ИПУ РАН, Лаборатория 02)Автор(ов): 1 Параметры публикацииТип публикации: Статья в журнале/сборникеНазвание: A Study of the Micromagnetic Structure of Domain Walls in Ultrathin Magnetic FilmsISBN/ISSN: 2075-1133Наименование источника: Inorganic Materials: Applied ResearchОбозначение и номер тома: Vol.11, No. 1Город: Moscow, RussiaИздательство: PLEIADES PUBLISHING Ltd.Год издания: 2020Страницы: 213-217 АннотацияA numerical method is used to study the structure and energy of the Neel domain wall in an ultrathin magnetic film of the permalloy type. It is shown that the structure of the Neel domain wall is determined by a pattern of changes in the magnetostatic energy, so as to decrease its value, into the following three regions: the core region and two regions of lateral turnarounds. Библиографическая ссылка: Семенов В.С. A Study of the Micromagnetic Structure of Domain Walls in Ultrathin Magnetic Films // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2020. Vol.11, No. 1. С. 213-217.