This article is devoted to a problem of design of a system of collecting and stram data processing in the virtual environment. Information in the Internet is presented in the form of diverse electronic material which for a person is today also a source of information about the outside world, both entertainment, and way of self-expression, and in connection with all above-mentioned - the tool for achievement of different purposes. The important question of assessment and the analysis of the data, extending in global information network and available to each person is brought up in the paper. The author listed distinctive features of the studied materials regarding creation of an analytical system unlike systems with lower volume of data. The components of technology of collecting and processing of larger data are offered and requirements to design and realization of final systems are made, in particular examples of their structurally functional scheme. Criteria of effectiveness are made. Researches on creation of the intelligent detector of the materials having negative impact on users, based on the offered technology are conducted today.