Giardini D. (ETH Zurich). Публикации

Библиографическая ссылкаГод

Тезисы докладов

1Kim D., Banerdt W. B., Ceylan S., Giardini D., Lognonné P., Clinton J. F., Drilleau M., Li J., Pike W. T., Staehler S. C., Xu Z., Батов А.В., Гудкова Т.В., Horleston A. C., Kawamura T., King S., Nimmo F., Plasman M., Степанова И.Э., Zenhäusern G., Daubar I., Garcia R. F., Panning M. Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves / Abstracts of the AGU Fall Meeting (Chicago, USA, 2022). Chicago: American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2022. С.
2Perrin C., Jacob A., Staehler S. C., Plasman M., Mittelholz A., Fuji N., Myhill R., Hauber E., Lognonné P., Xu Z., Drilleau M., Brinkman N., Sainton G., Lucas A., Giardini D., Kawamura T., Kim D., Knapmeyer M., Zenhäusern G., Clinton J. F., Батов А.В., Гудкова Т.В., Rodriguez S., Stevanovic J., Banerdt W. B. Seismo-Tectonic Context of Cerberus Fossae, Mars / Abstracts of the AGU Fall Meeting (Chicago, USA, 2022). Chicago: American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2022. С.
3Jacob A., Perrin C., Lucas A., Батов А.В., Гудкова Т.В., Rodriguez S., Lognonné P., Taylor J., Drilleau M., Fuji N., Daubar I., Clinton J. F., Böse M., Brinkman N., Ceylan S., Charalambous C., Driel M., Euchner F., Garcia R. F., Giardini D., Horleston A. C., Kawamura T., Kedar S., Khan A., Orhand-Mainsant G., Panning M., Pike W. T., Scholz J.-R., Staehler S. C., Stott A., Spiga A. Searching for seismic sources around the InSight landing site: focus on the sol 173 and sol 235 events / Abstracts of the AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2019). San Francisco: American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2019. С.