We study the behavior of the soliton which, while
moving in non-dissipative medium encounters a barrier with dis-
sipation. The modelling included the case of a nite dissipative
layer as well as a wave passing from a dissipative layer into a non-
dissipative one and vice versa. New eects are presented in the
case of numerically nite barrier on the soliton path: rst, if the
form of dissipation distribution has a form of a frozen soliton, the
wave that leaves the dissipative barrier becomes a bi-soliton and a
ection wave arises as a comparatively small and quasi-harmonic
oscillation. Second, if the dissipation is negative (the wave, instead
of loosing energy, is pumped with it) the passed wave is a soliton of
a greater amplitude and velocity. Third, when the travelling wave
solution of the KdV-Burgers (it is a shock wave in a dissipative
region) enters a non-dissipative layer this shock transforms into a
quasi-harmonic oscillation known for the KdV.