The European Control Conference (ECC) is the annual conference promoted by the European Control Association (EUCA) and is intended to provide a stimulating environment for a productive exchange of ideas and developments in the area of systems and control, and related applications.
ECC 2020 is the 18th in the EUCA Series of European Control Conferences and will be held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia from May, 12 to May, 15, 2020.
Technical co-sponsorship of the event is provided by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
The papers accepted and presented at ECC 2020 will be indexed and published on the IEEE Xplore digital library. They will be submitted for indexing in databases Web of Science and Scopus.
Submit a paper
Go to: and select "Submit a contribution to ECC'20"
Important dates
Contributed Papers and Invited Sessions
Submission deadline: September 30 October 8, 2019
Acceptance decisions: January 15, 2020
Final Paper Submission: February 15, 2020
Conference Workshops and Tutorials Submission deadline
Workshop proposal deadline: November 20, 2019
Tutorial Session proposal deadline: November 20, 2019
Tutorial Lead Paper and Tutorial Paper submission deadline: December 10, 2019
Acceptance decisions: January 15, 2020
Final Tutorial Papers submission: February 15, 2020
Extended Abstracts
Extended Abstract submission deadline: January 30, 2020
Extended Abstract acceptance decisions: February 20, 2020
Final Extended Abstracts submission: February 29, 2020
Conference Workshops
May 12, 2020
May 12-15, 2020
Format Requirements
Submissions that do not meet the format requirements will be rejected. We highly recommend using one of the ECC20 templates to prepare your submission. Templates and Resources are available for download for the following systems:
Paper format requirements
- Language: English
- Paper Length: 6 pages (8 pages for review purposes only)
- Paper Size: US letter
- File Format: PDF
- Maximum File Size: 3MB
For the purpose of review only, manuscripts up to eight (8) pages in the standard two-column ECC conference format will be considered. If accepted, the final manuscripts are limited to a length of six (6) pages. Accepted papers exceeding the normal length may be included in the proceedings upon payment of over-length page charges for each page in excess of six pages, up to a maximum of two additional pages.
- PaperCept’s Getting Started Manual for Authors (3.54MB PDF)
- ECC PDF Compliance Guidelines
- MS Word Template (90 KB .doc) Template Support
- LaTex Style File (198 KB .cls) Template Support
- Flyer ECC'20 A5 (530 KB .pdf)
- Flyer ECC'20 A3 (585 KB .pdf)
Invited sessions
ECC2020 offers the possibility to submit invited sessions on a specific topic falling in the scope of the conference. Invited session proposals should include a description of the proposed topic and may contain a commented list of papers to be included in the session. Upon submission the proposers of the invited session shall receive an invited session code to be used by contributors of the invited session for paper upload. Invited session papers will be reviewed on the same basis as all other regular contributions. Based on the review reports of the individual papers, and on the evaluation of the overall session in terms of relevance for the conference, the program committee will accept or not the session. If not, the papers having received positive evaluations will be included into the regular sessions of the conference. Note that it is recommended that invited sessions receive 6 papers, but no strong limit is imposed. If more than 6 papers are submitted to an invited session, the program committee shall decide based on the received reviews to form session in the program. In case of 12 or more accepted papers, this may result in an invited track in the conference program. Invited sessions may include presentations based on Extended Abstract submissions (see below).
The ECC'20 web site will advertise the submitted Invited Session proposals if organizers wish to. This is done on a dedicated page that provides the title of the session, the name of organizers, the PDF of the submitted proposal and the session code.
Invited sessions and invited papers submission deadline: September 30, 2019
Pre-Conference Workshops
Pre-conference Workshops will be held at the conference venue on Tuesday, May 12, 2020. Conference participants can attend pre-conference Workshops for an additional fee.
Workshops present the latest advances, open issues and challenges on research areas of interest to the systems and control community and promote active participation and discussion among attendees.
We particularly welcome proposals that cover material or use presentation formats that are not found within the main conference that increase the interest for the event, enhance interaction and discussion amongst participants, and make useful connections to fields outside of control.
Interested organizers of Workshops should submit a brief proposal through the PaperCept Conference Management System. A proposal should include the title, list of instructors and their affiliations, an overview of the event (e.g., abstract, keywords, objectives, motivation, content, structure, and tentative program), and intended audience, as well as role and brief bio of each instructor. The proposal should also clarify the type and duration of the event (half-day or full-day).
The Program Committee reserves the right to reject workshop proposals (based on content), or to cancel accepted proposals (due to low numbers of pre-registrations). In the event of a cancellation, the event fees will be refunded in full.
Pre-conference Workshops submission deadline: November 20, 2019
Tutorials will be scheduled during the days of the conference and organized in dedicated tracks.
Tutorials involve formal presentation of the principles (e.g., theory, methodology, and tools) behind an established research area to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in that area. We particularly welcome proposals that cover material or use presentation formats that are not found within the main conference that increase the interest for the event, enhance interaction and discussion amongst participants, and make useful connections to fields outside of control.
Tutorial session duration is 2 hours. It can for example be composed of one Lead talk of 40 minutes followed by 4 contributed talks of 20 minutes. Each of these talks can be associated to a submitted paper. At least one paper should be associated to each Tutorial.
Interested organizers of Tutorials should submit a brief proposal (at most 3 pages) through the PaperCept Conference Management System. A proposal should include the title, list of instructors and their affiliations, an overview of the event (e.g., abstract, keywords, objectives, motivation, content, structure, and tentative program), and intended audience, as well as role and brief bio of each instructor. In the proposal it should be clearly stated which of the talks will be associated with the Lead Tutorial paper (one per session), and which of the remaining talks will be associated with a submitted Tutorial paper. Upon submission of the proposal, the organizer will get a confirmation email containing the Tutorial session code. This code should be provided to the Tutorial session speakers for submitting their Tutorial papers.
Lead Tutorial session papers (one per Tutorial session at most) are limited to 18 pages in length. They should be submitted as "Lead tutorial session paper" from the main PaperCept submission menu, and need the Tutorial session code (see above).
Tutorial session papers are limited to 6 pages in length. They should be submitted as "Tutorial session paper" from the main PaperCept submission menu, and need the Tutorial session code (see above).
The Program Committee reserves the right to reject tutorial proposals based on content. Tutorial papers are not included in the Conference Proceedings.
Tutorial session submission deadline: November 20, 2019
Tutorial session papers submission deadline: December 10, 2019
Extended Abstracts
Extended Abstract submissions aim at offering the possibility to present results at the conference, while avoiding some of the hard constraints of the regular paper submission type. This can allow presentations of application-oriented contributions, presentations of recent preliminary results, presentations by students of demonstrator achievements.
- Specificities of Extended Abstracts submission
- Papers typically of 2 to 3 pages, with a 4 pages hard limit
- Late deadline: January 30, 2020
- Fast acceptance/rejection decision (ad hoc reviewing process)
- Not included in the ECC Proceedings and no Copyright transfer
- Presentations in dedicated interactive sessions
Exceptionally, some of the Extended Abstract based presentations shall be positioned in the program in regular type of sessions. This will be in particular the case for application-oriented Extended Abstract submissions that fall in the scope of Invited Sessions. The organizers of Invited Sessions who plan to attract such Extended Abstract contributions are invited to mention these in their Invited Session proposal.
Travel support for student authors
EUCA will provide funds for travel support of some student authors.
European Control Award
The European Control Association (EUCA) is promoting a new "European Control Award" to recognize outstanding contributions by a young researcher in the area of systems and control.
The award is sponsored by the European Control Association (EUCA), and will be presented during the annual European Control Conference. The recipient will give a plenary lecture during the final day of the ECC 2020.
We encourage all contributors to the conference to identify and to promote potential candidates for the European Control Award 2020. Details of this award and the nomination procedure can be found here.
The ECC 2020 Best Student Paper award
The award recognizes excellence in a paper presented at the European Control Conference whose primary author is a student at the time of submission.
In order to be eligible, the candidate must:
- be the primary author of a paper accepted for presentation at ECC 2020;
- be a student (PhD, Master or Bachelor student) registered at an academic institution;
- present the paper at the conference.
To apply, nominators must upload to PaperCept the nomination letter which should also include a scanned confirmation that the nominee is enrolled as a student.
Nomination Deadline: Monday, March, 10, 2020 (17:00 CET)