Жуковский Е. С. (Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г.Р. Державина). Публикации

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Статьи в журналах/сборниках из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

1Арутюнов А.В., Жуковская З.Т., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. Kantorovich's Fixed Point Theorem and Coincidence Point Theorems for Mappings in Vector Metric Spaces // Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. 2022. Vol. 30, No. 2. С. 397-423.2022
2Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е., Жуковская З.Т. Kantorovich’s Fixed Point Theorem and Coincidence Point Theorems for Mappings in Vector Metric Spaces // Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. 2021. С. 1-27 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11228-021-00588-y.2021
3Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. Coincidence Points and Generalized Coincidence Points of Two Set-Valued Mappings // Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2020. Vol. 308, iss. 1. С. 35-41.2020
4Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. On the stability of fixed points and coincidence points of mappings in the generalized Kantorovich's theorem // Topology and its Applications. 2020. Vol. 275. С. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166864119304365.2020
5Бенараб С.С., Жуковская З.Т., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. Functional and Differential Inequalities and Their Applications to Control Problems // Differential Equations. 2020. Vol. 56, iss. 11. С. 1440-1451.2020
6Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. Caristi-Like Condition and the Existence of Minima of Mappings in Partially Ordered Spaces // Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2019. Vol. 180, Iss. 1. С. 48-61.2019
7Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. Kantorovich’s Fixed Point Theorem in Metric Spaces and Coincidence Points // Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2019. Vol. 304, Iss. 1. С. 60-73.2019
8Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский С.Е., Жуковский Е.С., Гельман Б.Д. Caristi-like condition. Existence of solutions to equations and minima of functions in metric spaces // Fixed Point Theory. 2019. V. 20, Iss. 1. С. 31-58.2019
9Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. On the cardinality of the coincidence set for mappings of metric, normed and partially ordered spaces // Sbornik: Mathematics. 2018. Vol. 209, Iss. 8. С. 1107–1130.2018
10Арутюнов А.В., Жуковский Е.С., Жуковский С.Е. Coincidence points principle for set-valued mappings in partially ordered spaces // Topology and its Applications. 2016. Vol. 201. С. 330-343.2016