


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


Augmented reality as a form of organising educational process of seventh technological stage



Наименование источника: 

  • Astra Salvensis

Обозначение и номер тома: 

year VI, No. 12


  • Salva


  • Salva

Год издания: 



Possibilities of introducing information technologies in training and business games as promising formats of realising an educational process, enabling formation of the seventh technological stage by means of acceleration of knowledge acquisition and mastery of new experience, have been considered. Such form of education is defined as a kind of organising production of means of production of an intellectual product based on cognitive activity. Formation of knowledge has been considered as parallel supplying of information on a special discipline and formation of priorities of its importance for a future citizen and specialist possessing creative thinking. Dialogue technologies, in the course of which the interactions of a learner and a teacher are realised, have been proposed as one of the ways of such parallel solution. Regulation of effectiveness of the educational process in the real time mode has been suggested to be conducted with the help of intensifying an operative feedback. It has been demonstrated that the use of interactive tools in studies motivates students for harmonious perception of information. An interactive form of organising cognitive activity has been proposed as a form that enhances the productivity of interaction among participants of the educational process, which is determinative for information flow maximization under economic limitations. Comfort of training conditions has been determined as an important factor of understanding by participants of the educational process of their own progress, as well as awareness of their intellectual competence.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Юркевич Е.В., Романчева Н.И., Секерин В.Д., Щербаков А.А., Крюкова Л.Н. Augmented reality as a form of organising educational process of seventh technological stage // Astra Salvensis. 2018. year VI, No. 12. С. 233-243.