Introduction. Studying in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution is of particular
importance for future career, as it is during this period that a person begins to act as a subject of
industrial relations: he develops a system of views on professional activities, formalizes spiritual,
moral and social guidelines, and establishes motives related to the performance of certain duties.
Methodology of research. The scientific community interprets professional self-determination as a
process and result of professional evolution with specific content inherent in each stage. The particular
emphasis is on late adolescence (early adolescence), because in this period the question of choice of
profession stands up in front of people “in full growth”. Research results. One of the main vectors of
modernization of Russian education and the key criteria of its effectiveness is the demand for
specialists in the domestic and international labor market, which implies not only a high level of
professionalism in the relevant field and awareness of related fields, but also a willingness to achieve
results that meet international standards, as well as the development of professional self-determination
of graduates and built I-concept of personality. Discussion. The approach to solving the problem of
professional self – determination of students of colleges, proposed by the author of this article, is
based on the position of L.M. Mitina, according to which the evolution of a professional is inseparable
from the evolution of personality: both are based on the principle of self-improvement, which
determines the ability of an individual to transform his life into an object of active and productive
change, the result of which is the highest form of life – self-realization in creativity. Conclusion.
Professional self-determination is a kind of human activity, implemented within the framework of
social and age development of the individual and subjected to a certain correction through
purposefully formed impact of educational activities, professional orientation, and research work.