


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 



Data mining for modeling the climate influence on the economy (in the case of logging in the Republic of Karelia)



Наименование конференции: 

  • Международная конференция ИнтерКарто/ИнтерГИС - 24 "Цифровая Земля и устойчивое развитие территорий" (Петрозаводск, 2018)

Наименование источника: 

  • Труды Международной конференции ИнтерКарто/ИнтерГИС - 24 "Цифровая Земля и устойчивое развитие территорий" (Петрозаводск, 2018)

Обозначение и номер тома: 



  • Москва


  • МГУ

Год издания: 



The contributions of the forest income to the economy is possible if it is provided with the transport accessibility to loggers. Loggers in Russia face the challenge of working in hard-to-reach areas with the use of snow-ice roads in the winter time, and the Republic of Karelia is no exception. However, the climate change is threatening the seasonal transportation infrastructure leading to economic challenges that will only worsen as warmer temperatures further reduce winter road access. The scientific novelty of this problem is to develop an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the impact of climate change on the Russian economy by including the problem of the functioning of winter roads in it. The paper proposes an approach for using satellite observation data (Landsat 8) Earth remote sensing data to improve the models of global warming influence on the volumes of timber removal by winter roads. Identification of felling with the help of space images processing provides an opportunity to move from the construction of mathematical models to five climatic zones exceeding hundreds of square kilometers to a gridding system (10 × 10 km). Identification of logging sites was carried out using methods to monitor changes in spectral characteristics before and after logging in the ArcGis 9.3 software package. To determine the terms of winter work in the software Surfer 11, based on the data of twenty two weather stations, daily weather maps were constructed, suitable for the operation of winter roads. Comparison of the two maps allows you to specify the duration of the winter road for each specific plot. The approach was tested on the territory of the Zaonezhsky Peninsula. The practice has shown that the high laboriousness of data processing, the poor quality of resolution of space images available in open access for previous years, coupled with the high level of cloudiness in the territory of Karelia during the autumn-winter period make this approach difficult to apply throughout the region.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Прокопьев Е.А., Крутских Н.В., Рязанцев П.А., Рослякова Н.А. Data mining for modeling the climate influence on the economy (in the case of logging in the Republic of Karelia) / Труды Международной конференции ИнтерКарто/ИнтерГИС - 24 "Цифровая Земля и устойчивое развитие территорий" (Петрозаводск, 2018). М.: МГУ, 2018. 24(1). С. 273-284.