The goal of this study was to conduct the computing experiments on the use of the spatial temperature distribution and heat flow in biological tissues obtained on the basis of microwave radiometry, and to develop the predictive algorithm of their specific properties and conditions. In the first stage, the data about the surface and deep temperature in different parts of the mammary glands of healthy women were used to build the model of heat flow in this body, proved that there is a lateral heat transfer from one part to another. Accounting for this phenomenon in the analysis of the spatial distribution of temperature in the breast with verified malignant tumours with installed localization made it possible to prove a several decision rules with a potentially high diagnostic efficiency. Based on the assumption about spatial variation of the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity in biological tissue at the installation site and subsequent remodeling of tissue-engineered constructs to develop in similar patterns, and to be capable of the same impact on brightness temperature of the tissues under the antenna of a microwave radiometer, we conducted simulation in the second phase of the study. The crucial equations, being able to differentiate different states of adaptation (remodeling) of tissue-engineered constructs were offered, that can be used in tissue engineering as creating data structures, also for monitoring postimplantation period.