Battaia O. ?. (ISAE Supaero). Публикации

Библиографическая ссылкаГод

Статьи в журналах/сборниках из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

1Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Cegarra J.?., Лазарев А.А. Work planning in low-volume assembly lines under ergonomic constraints // Procedia CIRP. 2018. Vol. 72. С. 786–789,
2Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Лазарев А.А. An efficient pseudo-polynomial algorithm for finding a lower bound on the makespan for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem // European Journal of Operational Research. 2018. С.
3Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Лазарев А.А., Cegarra J.?. Operator assignment problem in aircraft assembly lines: a new planning approach taking into account economic and ergonomic constraints // Procedia CIRP. 2018. Vol. 76. С. 63-66
4Stadnicka D.?., Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Ratnayake C.R. Skills management in the optimization of aircraft maintenance processes // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2017. Volume 50, Issue 1. С. 6912–6917
5Архипов Д.И., Лазарев А.А., Battaia O.?. Long-term production planning problem: scheduling, makespan estimation and bottleneck analysis // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2017. Volume 50, Issue 1. С. 7970–7974

Статьи в журналах/сборниках

6Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Лазарев А.А., Тарасов Г.В., Тарасов И.А. New Task Domain Propagators with Polynomial Complexity for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem / DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. Lancaster: DESTech Publications, Inc, 2019. С.


7Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Лазарев А.А. A new polynomial-time algorithm for calculating upper bounds on resource usage for RCPSP problem / Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling (Rome, 2018). Rome: TexMat, 2018. С. 22-25

Тезисы докладов

8Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Тарасов И.А. Resource capacity and time lag propagation techniques for RCPSP MAX problem / Abstracts of the 32nd Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO'2019, Valletta, Malta). Valletta, Malta: ECCO, 2019. С. 18.2019
9Battaia O.?., Архипов Д.И. Task assignment in assembly lines with physical and cognitive ergonomic constraints / Absracts of the 29th Europen Conference on Operational Research (EURO-2018, Valencia, Spain). Valencia, Spain: EURO, 2018. С. 387
10Архипов Д.И., Battaia O.?., Лазарев А.А., Тарасов Г.В. Makespan Lower Bound For Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem With Time-Dependent Resource Capacities / Abstracts of the 17th Baikal international school-seminar "Methods of Optimization and Their Applications" (Иркутск, 2017). Иркутск: Институт систем энергетики им. Меленьтьева, 2017. С. 29