WFCS 2017, May 31 - June 2, 2017, Trondheim, Norway


Conference WFCS 2017

Factory Communication Systems

13th IEEE International Workshop

May 31 - June 2, 2017, Trondheim, Norway

Deadline for submission of regular & special sessions papers: March 5, 2017

Deadline for submission of Work-in-Progress papers: March 12, 2017


 Sponsors: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (requested),

                 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, and

                 SINTEF, Norway

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Web site:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The WFCS workshop is the largest IEEE technical event specially dedicated to industrial com­munication systems. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers, practitio­ners and developers to review current trends in this area and to present and discuss new ideas and new research directions.



- Real-time and Dependability in Industrial Communication Systems:

       message scheduling; task allocation; fault-tolerant communication; performance analysis;

       safety and security issues; synchronization.

- System Integration in Industrial Automation Systems:

       vertical and life-cycle aspects; data-flow management; internetworking;

       web-based setup, maintenance, and configuration; transparency vs. security;

       hybrid wired/wireless industrial infrastructures; M2M communication,

       Plug-and-Work and self-mechanisms.

- Information and Communication Technology in Automation:

       system design; component-based systems, web frameworks; mobile computing;

       cloud computing, service-oriented architectures (SoA); formal methods;

       modeling and specification techniques; Internet of Things (IoT)/Internet of Services.

- Recent advances in research domains with similar technical requirements:

       networked control systems; wireless sensor networks; distributed real-time embedded

       systems; smart grid communications and building automation networks;

       automotive and train-control networks.


General Co-Chairs:

    Stig Petersen, SINTEF ICT, Norway

    Richard Zurawski, ISA Group, USA

Program Committee Chairs:

    Luca Durante, CNR – IEIIT, Italy

    Luis Lino Ferreira, ISEP, Porto, Portugal

Work-in-Progress Chairs:

    Zoubir Mammeri, Univ. Toulouse, France

    Amuund Skavhaug, Norwegian Univ. Science & Tech.

Special Sessions Chairs:

    Max Felser, Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland

    Marek Miskowicz, AGH Univ. Science & Tech., Poland

SUBMISSIONS: Two types of submissions are solicited.

    Long Papers – limited from 8 to 10 double column pages in a font not smaller than 10 points.

    Work-in-Progress and Industry practice papers – limited to 4 double column pages in a font

     not smaller than 10 points.

PAPER ACCEPTANCE: Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The final manuscript must be accompanied by a registration form and a registra­tion fee payment proof. All conference attendees, including authors and session chairpersons, must pay the conference registration fee, and their travel expenses.

POST CONFERENCE PUBLICATION: A special section in IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics will be organized based on selected papers from the WFCS2017 conference. The IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics is a premium journal with the Impact Factor of 4.708.

Prospective authors are requested to observe the guidelines available at


  in order to maximize chances of their paper(s) being selected for the special selection.



Phone:  +47-93-00-3112