1st Russo-German Conference MultiScale BioMathematics –Coherent Modeling of Human Body System and 1st Russo-German “Young Talent” Workshop Mathematical Bio-systems Modeling, 07 - 09 November 2016


Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

1st Russo-German Conference

MultiScale BioMathematics –Coherent Modeling of Human Body System and 1st Russo-German “Young Talent” Workshop Mathematical Bio-systems Modeling

07 - 09 November 2016

Preview (subject to change)

1st Russian-German “Young Talent” Workshop / молодёжная школа / Nachwuchsschule Mathematical Bio-systems Modeling

Monday, 07 November 2016

Registration for YT Workshop & Conference

To acquaint with the medical issues, some introductory sessions for the young scientists are planned for the morning.

Participants of YT Workshop take part in the afternoon sessions of Conference on MultiScale BioMathematics.

Take time for the Get-together in the evening.

Tuesday, 08 November 2016

Participants of YT Workshop take part in the sessions of Conference on MultiScale Bio-Mathematics.

Attend the Social Dinner to interact with the experts, approx. 6.30 to 8.30 p.m.

Wednesday, 09 November 2016

Participants of YT Workshop take part in residual session(s) of Conference on MultiScale Bio-Mathematics.

Remaining sessions are reserved for presentations by the participants of YT Workshop.

Closing is foreseen for the afternoon.


Young scientists are invited to submit their

original work (abstract in either Russian or German with complete English translation) to either Sergey I. Mukhin (vmmus@cs.msu.su) or J. Mau (ismmau@hhu.de) by 30 Sep 2016 for review;

decision about acceptance until 13 Oct 2016.

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