Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем Вас принять участие в научном мероприятии - научном докладе.
Дата и время доклада: пятница, 1 июля, 11.00
Место: Малый конференц-зал
Докладчик: Янчжоу Чэнь (Yangzhou Chen)
( Beijing University of Technology, head of the Intelligent Transportation Department )
Consensus Problem of Multi-Agent Systems and Applications - Linear-Transformation-Based Partial Stability Approach
In this talk, we will first introduce the concept of consensus problem of multi-agent systems, then discuss a classification of the complex cases. Next, we propose a liner transformation to equivalently transform the consensus problem to a partial stability problem. Thus, based on this equivalent transformation, we can solve various types of consensus problems by means of the corresponding partial stability or full stability theory. As examples, we will present solutions of some special cases of the consensus problems. Finally, we will give an application example of multi-vehicle platoon in intelligent transportation system.