


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Тезисы доклада


On a retrial queueing model with orbital search of customers - application to telecommunication jn highways


ISBN 978-5-91450-170-6

Наименование конференции: 

  • 18-я Международная научная конференция "Распределенные компьютерные и телекоммуникационные сети: управление, вычисление, связь" (DCCN-2015, Москва)

Наименование источника: 

  • Материалы 18-й Международной научной конференции "Распределенные компьютерные и телекоммуникационные сети: управление, вычисление, связь" (DCCN-2015, Москва)


  • Москва



Год издания: 



Emergency messages originating on the highways need quick transmission, lest they loose signi cance. However, highways are not equipped with much Road side units (RSU) nor enough of on board units. Thus several emergency messages do not reach the destination in time which result in accidents and other untoward incidents. In this paper we propose model that enables the smooth passage of maximum number of emergency packets before the expiry time. All messages generated within a 100 millisecond time slot should be either transmitted within that time frame or will loose signi cance. When an emergency packet originates, if the service facility is idle, the packet is immediately taken for transmission. Else it is sent to an orbit, exclusively for emergency packets. Once the server becomes free, a search mechanism is employed to take the rst emergency packet in the orbit for transmission. This is continued, either until all emergency packets are exhausted or the end of the current time slot is arrived at, whichever occurs rst. At the end of the time slot all emergency packets from the orbit are ushed out to accommodate new ones for the new time slot. We find a search mechanism that will ensure minimum loss of emergency packets in any time slot, and at the same time revenue of the system is maximized. It may be noted that emergency packets do not produce any revenue to the system and at the same time, the system is duty bound to transmit maximum number of emergency packets. The messages that provide information on facilities in the neighbourhood, entertainments etc. bring high revenue to the system. We look for a trade o between the two.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Вишневский В.М., Кришнамурти А.., Дипак Т.Г., Йошуа И.С. On a retrial queueing model with orbital search of customers - application to telecommunication jn highways / Материалы 18-й Международной научной конференции "Распределенные компьютерные и телекоммуникационные сети: управление, вычисление, связь" (DCCN-2015, Москва). М.: ИПУ РАН, 2015. С. 177-178.