Веретенников А. Ю. (ИППИ РАН). Публикации

Библиографическая ссылкаГод

Статьи в журналах/сборниках из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

1Зверкина Г.А., Веретенников А.Ю. On Polynomial Bounds of Convergence for the Availability Factor // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science 601. С. 358-369.2015
2Зверкина Г.А., Веретенников А.Ю. Simple Proof of Dynkin's Formula for Single-Server Systems and Polynomial Convergence Rates // Markov Processes And Related Fields. 2013. Vol.20, № 3,. С. 479-504.2013

Статьи в журналах/сборниках

3Анулова С.В., Веретенников А.Ю., Mai H.H. ON AVERAGED EXPECTED COST CONTROL AS RELIABILITY FOR 1D ERGODIC DIFFUSIONS // RT&A Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications. 2017. No 4 (47) Volume 12, December 2017. С. 31-38 http://gnedenko-forum.org/Journal/2017/042017/RTA_4_2017-03.pdf.2017
4Анулова С.В., Веретенников А.Ю. Yet again on iteration improvement for averaged expected cost control for 1D ergodic diffusions Projects: A5, B1 17016 в списке / Препринты Университета Билефелд https://www.sfb1283.uni-bielefeld.de/webroot/preprints/sfb17016.pdf. Вielefeld: Издательство uni-bielefeld: https://www.sfb1283.uni-bielefeld.de/Preprints, 2017. Preprints 2017. С. 1-19.2017
5Зверкина Г.А., Веретенников А.Ю. On Polynomial Bounds of Convergence for the Availability Factor / arXiv.org. Cornell: Cornell university library, 2015. arXiv:1512.01275. С. https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.01275.2015

Пленарные доклады и доклады из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

6Анулова С.В., Веретенников А.Ю., Щербаков П.С. Exponential convergence of multi-dimensional stochastic mechanical systems with switching / Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-2013, Florence, Italy). Florence: IEEE, 2013. С. 1217-1222.2013

Тезисы докладов

7Анулова С.В., Веретенников А.Ю., Mai H.H. Averaged control for 1D ergodic diffusions / BOOK OF ABSTRACTS of the 39th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA2017, Moscow). М.: Bernoulli Society, 2017. С. 119-119.2017
8Зверкина Г.А., Веретенников А.Ю. Polynomial convergence rates for single-server systems / Proccedings of the International Coference "Probability, Reliability and Stochastic Optimization" (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2015). Киев: Киевский госуниверситет, 2015. С. 36-36.2015