Автор(ы): Roll J. (?)Назин А. В. (ИПУ РАН, Лаборатория 07)Ljung L. (?)Автор(ов): 3 Параметры публикацииТип публикации: ДокладНазвание: A General Direct Weight Optimization Framework for Nonlinear System IdentificationISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-3-902661-75-3. DOI: 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.00030Наименование конференции: The 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2005Наименование источника: Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress (Prague, 2005)Город: PragueИздательство: IFAC PublicationГод издания: 2005Страницы: 29-29 АннотацияThe direct weight optimization (DWO) approach is a method for finding optimal function estimates via convex optimization, applicable to nonlinear system identification. In this paper, an extended version of the DWO approach is introduced. A general function class description - which includes several important special cases - is presented, and different examples are given. A general theorem about the principal shape of the weights is also proven. Библиографическая ссылка: Roll J., Назин А.В., Ljung L. A General Direct Weight Optimization Framework for Nonlinear System Identification / Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress (Prague, 2005). Prague: IFAC Publication, 2005. С. 29-29.