Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе 15 международной конференции on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT’2013), которая проводится 15-21 сентября 2013 г. в Будапеште, Братиславе, Вене.
The Workshop program includes reports by leading experts, and special sessions, such as industrial and research projects in Russia, Eastern Europe and other countries.
Selected presentations and contributions are to be identified for including into full Proceeding papers. The submissions will be judged not only for scientific quality but also for suitability as a basis for broader discussion.
Place of Workshop:
The Workshop will take place on the route Budapest - Bratislava - Vienna with river cruises along the Danube.
The topics are but not limited to:
Information Systems
- Conceptual Modeling and Decision Support Systems
- Industrial Information Systems
- Web Information Systems
- Information Security Systems and Safety
Information Technology
- Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
- Text, Data Processing
- Data Warehousing
- Сloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence Tools
- Knowledge Engineering
- Neural Network Technologies
- Fuzzy Models and Methods
- Evolutionary and Immune Algorithms
IT Applications
- Control and IT in Technical Systems
- Intelligent Control and IT in Mobile Robotics
- IT in Social and Economic Modeling
- IT in Educational Systems
Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers must clearly describe new ideas or experimental results, which have not been previously published in journals and Proceedings of conferences. Papers will be judged on originality, clarity, relevance, and soundness of methodology. Each paper should include a short abstract and a list of keywords indicating subject classification.
Authors' names and institutions should be identified on a cover page.
Papers should be written in English. Authors may submit drafts of full papers. Submissions are recommended to be limited to 6 pages (A4-format), with 1 inch margins and 11 point font (the paper template will be sent to you by e-mail).
Electronic Submissions
Electronic submission is *strongly* encouraged.
MS Word versions of the paper may be sent by
E-mail to: csit.usatu@gmail.com
Workshop Proceedings:
The Workshop Proceedings will be published. For an accepted paper to be included in the Proceedings one of the authors must commit to presenting the paper at the Workshop.
Our primary communication medium will be electronic - either via the web or by e-mail. Therefore, it is critical that you provide an e-mail address with your submissions so we can contact you quickly.
Mail: CSIT’2013
Department of Computer Science and Robotics,
USATU, 12, K.Marx Str., Ufa, 450000, Russia
Tel.: +7 (347) 273-77-17, 273-79-67
Official CSIT e-mail: csit_vmk@ugatu.ac.ru
Important Dates:
April 1, 2013 Paper submission
April 15, 2013 E-mail notification of acceptance
May 10, 2013 MS Word version of camera-ready paper