


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Книга (брошюра, монография, стандарт)


Report on Protection of Large Scale Interconnections

Сведения об издании: 

D4.6 Report on protection of large scale interconnections (Final Report for WP4) Сайт http://www.icoeur.eu/other/downloads/deliveralbles/D4.6.pdf

Электронная публикация: 



  • Dortmund


  • TU Dortmund University

Год издания: 


Объём, стр.: 

Emergency dispatching and automatic emergency control play an important role to provide reliability and survivability of large power grids. Current trends in EPS development and expansion, such as extension and integration of regional, state and interstate power interconnections, liberalization and restructuring power industry, new technologies and principles in development of EPSs change the properties control procedures and tools. The final report of WP4, which deals with protection of large scale power interconnections, includes the generalization of emergency control procedures and tools and representing advanced ideas, methods and algorithms in emergency dispatching, automatic emergency control, as for as methods for assessing power system stability and risks calculation and management. These advanced technologies and tools allow to increase large power grid stability and security and to prevent cascading development of emergencies.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Voropai N.N., Domyshev A., Efimov D.N., Panasetsky D., Soukhov O.A., Ядыкин И.Б., Hager U., Babnik T., Grobovoy A.A., Arestova A., Villella F., Bizumich L., Sauhats A., Strelkovs V., Chuvychin V., Antonovs V., Lizalek N.N., Balabin N., Zhong X.P. Report on Protection of Large Scale Interconnections. D4.6 Report on protection of large scale interconnections (Final Report for WP4) Сайт http://www.icoeur.eu/other/downloads/deliveralbles/D4.6.pdf. Dortmund: TU Dortmund University, 2012. – 87 с.