Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit papers and proposals for special sessions to the POWERENG 2013
The purpose of the IV IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners from all over the world, interested in the advances of power systems, energy and electrical drives.
Power Generatıon, Transmission and Distribution:
- Generation Systems
- Protective Relaying
- Modelling and Simulation
- Load Modelling
- Forecasting and Management
- Power Quality and Grounding
- Safety
- Maintenance and Operation
- Distribution System Planning and Reliability
- Flexible AC Transmission Systems
- Renewable energy integration
Power Electronics, Systems and Applications
- Soft switching converters
- Multilevel converters
- Matrix converters
- Emerging topologies
- Power Converters Modelling
- Simulation and Control
- Power Factor Correctors (PFC)
- EMI and over-voltage protection
- Active Filters and Harmonics
- Power Supplies
- Power Electronics Components and Packaging
- Reliability and Fault
Smartgrids Technologies & Applications
- Smart grid for distributed energy resources
- Smart grid for energy savings and financial management
- Smart grid in interdependent energy infrastructures
- Smart grid for intelligent monitoring and outage management
- Smart grid for energy management in buildings and home automation
- Phasor measurement unit applications for smart grid
- Smart grid for plug-in vehicles and low-carbon transportation alternatives
- Smart grid for cyber and physical security systems
Electrical Machines and Adjustable Speed Drives
- AC and DC Machines and Drives, Reluctance machines and drives
- Permanent magnet machines and drives
- Linear machines and drives
- Sensorless control
- Piezo and electrostatic actuators,
- Modelling and simulation
- Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis
- Electrical Vehicles
- EMC related phenomena
Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
- Energy Management and Environmental issues
- Hybrid Power Systems
- Distributed and Co-Generation Systems
- Wind Energy Systems
- Marine Renewable Energy
- Biomass Energy and Geothermal Resources
- Solar Energy Systems,
- Hydro Power Plants
- Hydrogen Systems and Fuel Cell
Paper Submission: 15 November 2012
Notification of acceptance: 10 February 2013
Final submissions due: 10 March 2013
Early Registration 25 March 2013
Registration 13 May 2013
Conference 14-16 May 2013
Excursion 17 May 2013
For more detailed description: