Автор(ы): Кулинич А. А. (ИПУ РАН, Лаборатория 11)Автор(ов): 1 Параметры публикацииТип публикации: ДокладНазвание: Decision-making support in fuzzy conflict situations.Наименование конференции: 18th IFAC World Congress (Milano, Italy, 2011)Наименование источника: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress (Milano, 2011)Город: MilanИздательство: IFACГод издания: 2011Страницы: 830-834 АннотацияA decision-making model to create coalitions in Ill-structured conflict situations is proposed. The model allow in an uncertainty conditions to formulate a plausible variant of a coalition, leaning on fuzzy representations about resources, strategy and the targets of players. Necessary and sufficient conditions to create a coalition have been formulated. Библиографическая ссылка: Кулинич А.А. Decision-making support in fuzzy conflict situations. / Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress (Milano, 2011). Milan: IFAC, 2011. С. 830-834.