Steimel A. (Ruhr University Bochum). Публикации

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Статьи в журналах/сборниках из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

1Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Sliding-Mode Based Control for a Three-Level Inverter Drive // IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2008. Vol. 55, No. 11. С. 3828-3835.2008

Статьи в журналах/сборниках

2Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Sliding-Mode Control Technique for an Induction Motor Drive Supplied by a Three-Level Voltage-Source Inverter // Facta Universitatis. 2008. Т.21, №2. С. 195-207.2008

Пленарные доклады и доклады из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

3Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Application of Sliding-Mode Control to Drive Systems Fed by a Three-Level Voltage-Source Inverter / Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress (Seoul, Korea, 2008). Сеул: ИФАК, 2008. С. 14241-14246.2008
4Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Sliding-Mode Approach to Control Design for Induction Motor Drive Fed by a Three-Level Voltage-Source Inverter / Proceeding of the 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008, Poznan, Poland). Познань: Research Publishing Services, 2008. С. 1528-1534.2008
5Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Three-Level Inverter Drive With Sliding Mode Control / Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM’08, Brasov, Romania). Brasov, Romania: "Transilvania" University of Brasov, 2008. С. 25-30.2008


6Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Variable Structure Control Technique for an Induction Motor Drive Supplied by a Three-Level Voltage Source Inverter / Proceedings of the 8th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC’2008, Sinaia, Romania). Craiova, Romania: University of Craiova, 2008. С. 567-570.2008
7Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Formal Derivation of Sliding Mode Control for High Power Induction-Motor Drives Fed by Three-Level Voltage Source Inverters / Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Electrical Drive and Power Electronics (EDPE'07, The High Tatras, Slovakia). Кошице, Словакия: Университет Кошицы, 2007. С. 1-6.2007
8Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Sliding Mode Control for a Three-Level Inverter Drive / Proceeding of the 15th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Sofia: Globul, 2007. Т. 1. С. 158 - 166.2007
9Рывкин С.Е., Schmidt-Obermöller R., Steimel A. Sliding Mode Control Technique for an Induction Motor Drive Supplied by a Three-Level Voltage Source Inverter / Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (ПЕС 2007, Nis, Serbia). Ниш, Сербия: Университет Ниш, 2007. С. 1-4.2007