Frandi A. F. (Diamond Jubilee Chair in Computational Medicine and Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies at the University of Leeds, Leeds). Публикации

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Статьи в журналах/сборниках из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

1Данилов В.В., Гергет О.М., Клышников К.Ю., Frandi A.F., Овчаренко Е.А. Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Detection of Coronary Artery Stenosis // Programming and Computer Software. 2021. Т. 47, №3. С. 153-160.2021
2Данилов В.В., Клышников К.Ю., Гергет О.М., Кутихин А.Г., Ганюков В.И., Frandi A.F., Овчаренко Е.А. Real‑time coronary artery stenosis detection based on modern neural networks // SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021. Т. 11, №1. С.

Пленарные доклады и доклады из перечня Web of Science/Scopus

3Данилов В.В., Гергет О.М., Клышников К.Ю., Овчаренко Е.А., Frandi A.F. Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models for Automatic Coronary Stenosis Detection in X-ray Angiography / Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Machine Vision (GraphiCon 2020, St.Petersburg). СПб.: CEUR, 2020. Ч.2. С.
4Данилов В.В., Скирневский И.П., Манаков Р., Колпащиков Д.Ю., Гергет О.М., Frandi A.F. Ray-based segmentation algorithm for medical imaging / Proceedings of the International Workshop on Photogrammetric and Computer Vision Techniques for Video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine, 2019. М.: ISPRS, 2019. С.